Locksmith Harpenden AL5

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Address: Luton Rd, Harpenden AL5 2UE   

Woking in the vicinity of Glorious Gardens

Need a reliable locksmith in St Albans, Hatfield or Welwyn Garden City? Look no further! AL Locksmiths Harpenden mobile services team of certified professionals is here to help with all your locksmith needs. A 24/7 emergency service hotline is available.

In the area, there is proof of Belgic farmers who inhabited the region before the Roman era. In 1867, a number of items were discovered, including a bronze escutcheon, mounts shaped like rams’ heads, and a bronze bowl.

Evidence of Roman presence can also be found in the surrounding land of Harpenden, such as the location of a mausoleum in the Rothamsted park. In the 1820s, a tumulus situated near the river Lea was uncovered, revealing a stone sarcophagus of Romano-Celtic origin. Within the sarcophagus were five objects, including a glass jug imprinted with a Mediterranean stamp and dishes made of samian ware that were utilized for libations, all dating back to around 150 AD.

Prior to the 13th century, the parish area was predominantly wooded, with small hamlets and individual farmsteads located around clearings known as “End” or “Green”. There are presently 19 Ends and 18 Greens in the Harpenden and Wheathampstead parish regions, many of which are still present today.

Our services are designed for customers who value reliability

AL Locksmiths Harpenden mobile services carry a wide range of common household locks in our vans from leading industry brands including Yale, ERA and Union. It allows your locksmith to be able to provide cylinder locks, mortice locks, rim cylinders and more on the spot, so they can complete the job in just one visit on most occasions.

We pride ourselves on the no ‘call-out’ fee policy and aim to get to you within 30 minutes.  We operate and are available 24 hours a day via our hotline. Our work is guaranteed with a 12-month manufacturer’s warranty on all parts and our guarantee on all workmanship.
